HereNOW: Mental Health SupportEmployees, Veterans, Addiction and MoreHereNOW’s AI learns your mental health needs and automatically adjusts its content and features to best support YOU! Including meditations, journals, self-assessments, community message-boards, fitness, rewards, Telehealth, etc., the app can optimize it’s support for addiction recovery, depression, anxiety, PTSD, improving sleep, happiness and much more. Powerful Admin Dashboard for Businesses: Explore, analyze and export all user data. Including integrations to SalesForce, EMRs & more.EMPLOYEE WELLNESS:Engage and empower employees to understand, track and improve their mental wellbeing. Employers can track overall workforce health and foster peer appreciation. 86% report improvement in Happiness and Productivity.ADDICTION RECOVERY:Do assessments (BAM, BAM-R, etc.), create treatment plans, and track progress. For alumni stay connected, build community, improve outcomes and increase referrals.VETERANS:Successfully transition from military to civilian life. Manage PTSD, improve sleep and receive smart alerts for Suicide Prevention. Build community via message boards.GOVERNMENT:Helping communities (City, County, State, etc) support the mental health and addiction recovery of its residents. Use your peer support specialists to expand resources.STUDENT WELLNESS:Engage and empower students to understand, track and improve their mental wellbeing. Administrators can track overall workforce health and foster peer appreciation. 86% report improvement in Happiness and Productivity.